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Guided Tours

Twelve exciting guided tours designed by our official local guides: we know the city and will be glad to show it to you until you fall madly in love with Rome!

Pickup and return

You can pickup and return your scooter/bike at our location Via S. Calisto, 9 and Piazza dei Calcarari, 2. 

How to reach us, click here.

Daily departures. Reservation required at least 24 hours in advance.

Email us to change times and to have your bike/scooter delivered to your location. email.

Delivery and pickup with departure from your hotel (included)

Office Opening Hours

Aperto tutti i giorni dalle 09:30 alle 19:30.

Check out our guided tour

Private tours by bike or by scooter with guide.

Departure from your hotel (within historical center) with our guide!

Live the magic of Republican and Imperial Rome, and be part of the “Center of the world!” First site we will reach is the Ghetto, the monumental Portico of Octavia and the archaelogical area of the Augustan Theatre of Marcellus. We will then ride along the Capitoline Hill and Venice Square, with its huge, white marble “Vittoriano” monument. Immediately after we will discover the higlights of our tour: the Roman and Imperial forums, and “his Majesty” the Colosseum. We will continue to Circus Maximus, the perfect view to admire the ancient Imperial Palace on the Palatine Hill. The tour will end at Velabrum, for a photo at the world-famous Mouth of Truth!

Tour fees include: Guide, Bike or Scooter (petrol included), booking fees.

Reservations required at least 24 hours prior

Fees for 3-hour Tour:

By Bike: 

2 persons € 120 – 3 pers. € 165 – 4 pers. € 200 – 5 pers. € 225 – 6 pers. € 240

By Scooter:

2 persons € 210 – 3 pers. € 260 – 4 pers. € 300 – 5 pers. € 350 – 6 pers. € 370

Private tours by bike or by scooter with guide.

Departure from your hotel (within historical center) with our guide!

Bike tour itinerarydeparture from our headquarters to the Bridge of the Industry (Ponte dell’industria), down to the bike path along the Tiber River to begin a wonderful parade of Rome and its monuments, surrounded by the calm of the flow of the river that will be crossed to reach the world’s largest Basilica, ultimate symbol of Christianity: St. Peter’s and its striking colonnade. Nearby, the imposing Castel Sant’Angelo, to then again savour the silence of the bike path along the “blond Tiber” to return.

Scooter tour itinerary: departure from our headquarters, Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, along the Tiber River to the world’s largest Basilica, ultimate symbol of Christianity: St. Peter’s and his striking colonnade. Castel Sant’Angelo, Church of San Giovanni dei Fiorentini, Via Giulia, Chiesa Nuova (Santa Maria in Vallicella), Church of Sant’Andrea della Valle, Church of Gesù (Jesus), Santa Maria in Cosmedin and Mouth of Truth (Bocca della Verità).

Tour fees include:Guide, Bike or Scooter (petrol included) booking fees.

Reservations required at least 24 hours prior

Fees for 3-hour Tour:

By Bike: 

2 persons € 120 – 3 pers. € 165 – 4 pers. € 200 – 5 pers. € 225 – 6 pers. € 240

 By Scooter:

2 persons € 210 – 3 pers. € 260 – 4 pers. € 300 – 5 pers. € 350 – 6 pers. € 370

Private tours by bike or by scooter with guide.

Departure from your hotel (within historical center) with our guide!

Live the atmosphere of the Renaissance antique workshops and fill your eyes with the endless beauties of the Roman Baroque style! 

Starting from the “Campo Marzio” district, where we will begin to discover the most beautiful “piazze” and “palazzi” in Rome: Piazza & Palazzo Farnese, Piazza Capodiferro with its elegant Palazzo Spada. From Campo de’ Fiori on to the impressive 15th century Palazzo della Cancelleria.

Following the magic of Piazza Navona, in a few steps, we will admire the Pantheon, the largest unreinforced Roman dome in the world. Passing by Piazza Colonna to then toss a coin in the Trevi Fountain (make a wish!).

Next stop, a photo at the Spanish Steps. Then along via Margutta with its ateliers and art galleries we will reach the magnificent Piazza del Popolo.

Passing along the ancient Via Ripetta to reach the “Ara Pacis”, the Augustan Age Altar of Peace. Crossing the Tiber River flanking the massive Castel Sant’Angelo we will end our tour in front of Bernini’s Colonnade and Saint Peter’s Basilica, the largest Christian church in the world.

 Tour fees include:Guide, Bike or Scooter (petrol included).

Reservations required at least 24 hours prior

Fees for 3-hour Tour:

By Bike:

2 persons € 120 – 3 pers. € 165 – 4 pers. € 200 – 5 pers. € 225 – 6 pers. € 240

By Scooter:

2 persons € 210 – 3 pers. € 260 – 4 pers. € 300 – 5 pers. € 350 – 6 pers. € 370

Private tours by bike or by scooter with guide.

Departure from your hotel (within historical center) with our guide!

The sweet “ponentino wind” will caress you while admiring the most breathtaking views of Rome.

A visit to the most beautiful terraces in Rome, from where you will enjoy unforgettable panoramic views of the city.

We will stop at the following sites: Aventine Hill ( view from the Giardino degli Aranci and the piazza of the Priory of the Sovereign Order of Malta ), the Caelian Park, (clivo di Scauro, piazza Santi Giovanni e Paolo, piazza della Navicella, via Claudia), Colosseum, Colle Oppio, visit to the church of Saint Peter’s in chains and Michelangelo’s Moses, view from the terrace of the Colosseum.

Then we will take via Cavour to climb up the Quirinal hill to enjoy the stunning view from the top of Trinità dè Monti and the Spanish Steps. We will then drive by the Villa Medici and the Villa Borghese Park, to stop at the world famous Pincio terrace.

Again down to Piazza del Popolo heading to Regina Margherita bridge to cross the river and bypass Castel Sant’Angelo to ride up the Gianiculum Hill from where you will discover a 360 degree view of the city. Last but not least, the monumental Fountain of the Acqua Paola.

Tour fees include:Guide, Bike or Scooter (petrol included) booking fees.

Reservations required at least 24 hours prior

Fees for 3-hour Tour:

By Bike: 

2 persons € 120 – 3 pers. € 165 – 4 pers. € 200 – 5 pers. € 225 – 6 pers. € 240

By Scooter:

2 persons € 210 – 3 pers. € 260 – 4 pers. € 300 – 5 pers. € 350 – 6 pers. € 370

Private tours by bike or by scooter with guide.

Departure from your hotel (within historical center) with our guide!

The brightness of Caravaggio’s masterpieces will light up our itinerary through the most important churches of Rome.

We will enter the Church of San Luigi dei Francesi, French church in Rome, (Contarelli Chapel: Caravaggio’s the Calling of St Matthew), Church of San Agostino (Cavalletti  Chapel: Madonna di Loreto), Church of Santa Maria del Popolo (Cerasi Chapel: Conversion of Saint Paul on the Road to Damascus and the Crucifixion of Saint Peter)

In short, we will visit the sites where the great artist Michelangelo Merisi from Caravaggio lived, worked and loved.

Tour fees include: Guide, Bike or Scooter (petrol included) booking fees.

Reservations required at least 24 hours prior

Fees for 3-hour Tour:

By Bike:

2 persons € 120 – 3 pers. € 165 – 4 pers. € 200 – 5 pers. € 225 – 6 pers. € 240

By Scooter:

2 persons € 210 – 3 pers. € 260 – 4 pers. € 300 – 5 pers. € 350 – 6 pers. € 370

Private tours by bike or by scooter with guide.

Departure from your hotel (within historical center) with our guide!

From ancient Rome to Rome the “Eternal City” The easiest way to see all the highlights of Rome!

Departure from our agency to start an itinerary which goes like the scenes of a movie shot along almost thirty centuries of history: Pyramid of Cestius, the Tiber,Tiber Island, the Jewish Ghetto, Campo de’ Fiori, Piazza Farnese, Piazza Navona, The Pantheon, Piazza della Minerva, Castel St. Angelo, Saint Peter,the Theatre of Marcellus, Venice Square, the Imperial Fora, Colosseum, Caracalla’s Baths, Circus Maximus, the Mouth of Truth.

Thanks to your bike or your scooter you can get as close as possible to all these monuments and take your best pictures ever!

Tour fees include: Guide, Bike or Scooter (petrol included) booking fees.

Reservations required at least 24 hours prior

Fees for 3-hour Tour:

By Bike:

2 persons € 120 – 3 pers. € 165 – 4 pers. € 200 – 5 pers. € 225 – 6 pers. € 240

By Scooter:

2 persons € 210 – 3 pers. € 260 – 4 pers. € 300 – 5 pers. € 350 – 6 pers. € 370

Private tours by bike or by scooter with guide.

Departure from your hotel (within historical center) with our guide!

Riding along the “Queen of the Roman Roads” is a once-in-a-life experience! Rome and its Ancient Appian Way will unveil its precious treasures: catacombs, tombs, churches, mausoleums, villas, circuses, milestones, all immersed in the incredible nature of the Archaelogical Park of the Appian Way.

Riding along the Aurelian Walls to reach Porta San Sebastiano, the Church of “Domine quo vadis” to pass along the Catacombs of St Calixtus, Basilica of St Sebastian, Villa and Circus of Maxentius, Tomb of Cecilia Metella, Capo di Bove and Villa dei Quintili all along the Ancient Appian Way – with stretches of the original paving – and through the Archaelogical park.

Tour fees include: Guide, Bike or Scooter (petrol included) booking fees.

Reservations required at least 24 hours prior

Fees for 3-hour Tour:

By Bike:

2 persons € 120 – 3 pers. € 165 – 4 pers. € 200 – 5 pers. € 225 – 6 pers. € 240

By Scooter:

2 persons € 210 – 3 pers. € 260 – 4 pers. € 300 – 5 pers. € 350 – 6 pers. € 370

Private tours by bike or by scooter with guide.

Departure from your hotel (within historical center) with our guide!

Starting from the 40’s the city of Rome was chosen as the movie set by Italian and international directors: Rossellini, De Sica, Pasolini, Fellini, Moretti, Manckiewicz, Wyler, Greenaway and many more. The city has become a monumental movie set, often replicated in the Cinecittà studios, thus creating an international image of a magical fairytale Rome that has remained indelible in decades. This magic is also due to the great directors and actors who have been and are still protagonists, along with the city, of the films that will remain forever in history. Our cinema tour will take you on an unique cultural journey through the film history of Rome. “Vacanze Romane” (Roman Holiday) locations, stroll along Via Veneto – where movie stars once paraded under the watchful eyes of paparazzi, locations for “The Da Vinci Code” scenes, Oscar-winning film “The Great Beauty” sites as well as other sets used from the 40s to today.

Price for 3 hour tour

Bike: 2 persons € 120 – 3 pers. € 165 – 4 pers. € 200 – 5 pers. € 225 – 6 pers. € 240

Scooter: 2 persons € 210 – 3 pers. € 260 – 4 pers. € 300 – 5 pers. € 350 – 6 pers. € 370

Private tours by bike or by scooter with guide.

Departure from your hotel (within historical center) with our guide!

The success of Street Art demonstrates the ability to implement urban redevelopment at no cost. Through the work of associations and the availability of world-renowned artists an outdoor laboratory-museum of ultra-contemporary art has been created. Thanks to the “Ostiense Art District” and “Tormarancia Big City Life” projects one may observe the  positive outcome when the inhabitants of the neighborhoods are also involved. The tour is a total immersion in the highest-quality of contemporary art. Riding past such large works of art is like visiting a museum on a scooter as the voice of an experienced guide will narrate the aspects of contemporary art and describe the “displayed” works. A very unique and intriguing tour that you will remember forever!

Tour Itinerary

Garbatella district was the first district in Rome to promote a project of street art, created through crowdfunding, funding from a large number people. With this operation, thanks to donations made by local people, it has been possible to create an outdoor museum of contemporary art and trigger a virtuous process that has involved many other areas of Rome and today, thanks to the Garbatella’s innovative operation, many Roman peripheral districts have been considered by the British newspaper Times the “Sistine Chapel” of the street art world.

Ostiense district, thanks to Ostiense District, an initiative to enhance and promote the Ostiense neighborhood as a contemporary art venue, since 2009/2010 the neighborhood has become an ultra-modern district highly appreciated by artists who have chosen this neighborhood for their street art works. Thanks to the intervention of international artists there are many outdoor works scattered along the streets.

Tor Marancia District, the distinction lies in having transformed one of Tormarancia’s historical lotti (lots) into a veritable museum of street art. Thanks to the project “Big City Life” that wanted to concentrate the artworks in one single lot, Via Annio Felice, to give a new urban force and decorative flare making it an unforgettable experience.

Tour fees include:Guide, Bike or Scooter (petrol included) booking fees.

Reservations required at least 24 hours prior

Fees for 3-hour Tour:

By Bike:

2 persons € 120 – 3 pers. € 165 – 4 pers. € 200 – 5 pers. € 225 – 6 pers. € 240

By Scooter:

2 persons € 210 – 3 pers. € 260 – 4 pers. € 300 – 5 pers. € 350 – 6 pers. € 370

Walking Tour:

Private tours on foot with licensed guide.

Departure from your hotel (within historical center) with our guide!

Vatican Museums entrance tickets with direct access, skip-the-line, included!

Tour Description: With their over 500-year history and the safeguarding of a multitude of important relics and artifacts the Vatican Museums are fundamental to all mankind as well as being one of the oldest, well-known and most visited museums in the world! St. Peter’s Basilica with Michelangelo’s Dome, the largest in the world, a symbol of Christianity from its origins to the present day.

Itinerary: Cortile della Pigna, Cabinet of Apoxyomenos, Octagonal Court (Laocoön statue group, Belevedere Apollo), Pio Clementino Museum, Gallery of the Candelabra, Gallery of Tapestries, Gallery of Maps, Gallery and Chapel of St. Pius V, Sobieski Room, Raphael’s Rooms, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica.

Tour fees include: licensed guide, no queue entrance to Museums, headset for each person, booking fees.

Reservations required at least 24 hours prior

Fees for 3-hour Tour, admission tickets included:

2 persons € 230 – 3 pers. € 260 – 4 pers. € 300 – 5 pers. € 350 – 6 pers. € 390


The area of the Colosseum and the Roman Forum is the heart of the ancient city. With the exceptional stratification of artistic and historical relics, dating from the first settlements from the 7th century BC that reflect the life and development of ancient Rome, one may trace the footsteps of Imperial Rome. Two thousand year old monuments take us back in time to re-live the life and lifestyle of the Romans during the period of Imperial Rome.

Capitoline Hill, although the smallest in Rome, is the hill most related to the history of Rome from its founding to the present.

To then reach the Coliseum, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, where contests between gladiators and venationes with animals were held.

Tour fees include: licensed guide, no queue entrance, booking fees.

Reservations required at least 24 hours prior

Fees for 3-hour Tour, admission tickets included:

2 persons € 220 – 3 pers. € 245 – 4 pers. € 280 – 5 pers. € 320 – 6 pers. € 350

Private tours on foot with licensed guide.

Departure from your hotel (within historical center) with our guide!

A truly personalized walking tour tailored to the interests of the visitor to see all the highlights of Rome! 

The itinerary will be customized according to your needs as well as the location of your hotel as the starting point of the tour or from a pre-established meeting point.

Passing through nearly 30 centuries of history, the sites are unlimited: Pyramid of Cestius, Tiber River, Tiber Island, Jewish Ghetto, Campo de’ Fiori (Field of Flowers), Piazza Farnese, Piazza Navona, Pantheon, Piazza della Minerva, Trevi Fountain, Castel St. Angelo, Saint Peter’s Basilica, Theatre of Marcellus, Venice Square, Imperial Forum, Colosseum, Terme di Caracalla (Caracalla’s Baths), Circus Maximus, Bocca della Verità (Mouth of Truth).

Tour fees include: licensed guide, booking fees.

Reservations required at least 24 hours prior

Fees for 3-hour Tour

2 persons € 190 – 3 pers. € 200 – 4 pers. € 220 – 5 pers. € 250 – 6 pers. € 270

Private tours on foot with licensed guide.

Departure from your hotel (within historical center) with our guide!

Live the atmosphere of the Renaissance art workshops and fill your heart and eyes with the endless beauties of the Roman Baroque style!

The Baroque tour starts from the “Campo Marzio” district, where we will begin to discover the most beautiful “piazze” and “palazzi” in Rome: Piazza & Palazzo Farnese, Piazza Capodiferro with its elegant Palazzo Spada. From Campo de’ Fiori on to the impressive 15th century Palazzo della Cancelleria. Following the magic of Piazza Navona, in a few steps, we will admire the Pantheon, the largest unreinforced Roman dome in the world. Passing by Piazza Colonna to then toss a coin in the Trevi Fountain (make a wish!). Next stop, a photo at the Spanish Steps. Then along via Margutta with its ateliers and art galleries we will reach the magnificent Piazza del Popolo. Passing along the ancient Via Ripetta to reach the “Ara Pacis”, the Augustan Age Altar of Peace. Crossing the Tiber River flanking the massive Castel Sant’Angelo we will end our tour in front of Bernini’s Colonnade and Saint Peter’s Basilica, the largest Christian church in the world.

Tour fees include: licensed guide, booking fees.

Reservations required at least 24 hours prior

Fees for 3-hour Tour:

2 persons € 190 – 3 pers. € 200 – 4 pers. € 220 – 5 pers. € 250 – 6 pers. € 270

Private tours on foot with licensed guide.

Departure from your hotel (within historical center) with our guide!

Galleria Borghese entrance tickets with direct access, skip-the-line, included!

The Galleria Borghese will offer one of the most amazing art experiences you can ever imagine. Cardinal Scipione Borghese’s collection, housed in rooms that still maintain their 18th-century decoration, is composed of the most incredible and well-known art treasures in the world. You will pass through rooms where sculptures, reliefs and ancient mosaics are housed, as well as paintings and sculptures from the 15th to the 18th century, incredible masterpieces such as:

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Neapolitan architect, painter and sculptor (Apollo and Daphne, 1625; The Rape of Proserpina, 1622; Truth Unveiled by Time, 1652; David 1624)

Tiziano Vecellio, Venetian painter (Sacred and Profane Love 1515)

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Milanese painter (Groom’s Madonna, 1606; David with the Head of Goliath, 1610)

Peter Paul Rubens, Flemish artist (The Deposition, 1602)

Lucas Cranach the Elder, German painter (Venus and Cupid, 1529)

Antonello da Messina, properly Antonio di Giovanni de Antonio, Sicilian painter (Portrait of a Man, 1476)

Lorenzo Lotto (Madonna and Child between Saints, 1508)

Domenico Zampieri or Domenichino, Bolognese painter (The Hunt of Diana, 1617)

Raphael, Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, painter and architect (Deposition, 1507)

Jacopo Bassano, also known as Jacopo da Ponte, Venetian painter (The Last Supper, 1542)

And more, one of the most renowned and perfect masterpieces of all time: The marble portrait of Pauline Bonaparte, 1508, executed by Antonio Canova, painter and sculptor from Treviso.

Thus if you wish to visit the Borghese Gallery with a qualified guide who will explain in great detail each work on display, prepare yourself to be a possible victim of Stendhal syndrome for the incredible collection of masterpieces, unique to the content, in the museum.

Tour fees include: licensed guide, no queue entrance to Museums, headset for each person, booking fees.

Reservations required at least 24 hours prior

Fees for 3-hour Tour, admission tickets included:

 2 persons € 230 – 3 pers. € 260 – 4 pers. € 300 – 5 pers. € 350 – 6 pers. € 390